You and Your Doctoral or Thesis Writing Team: Part 21

It is your duty to be an assertive and informed student. The doctoral road is structured to help you in many ways. Sometimes the help might feel like a hindrance because so many people have a say and they might be unclear, but know that it isn’t. True, there are times when you have to jump through academic hoops to satisfy academic egos, but that is part of the process. Just get over it and get on with the writing process. Don’t let anyone point you in the wrong direction when help is needed. And through all the trials and tribulations, be sure to value and pay for the expertise of a good academic editor.

At times the content road of your doctoral journey is a battle.
Equip yourself with knowledge and use whatever help is available. And to get you going, Language Online created a guide for the serious student to equip yourself with some basic self-editing skills. Please be sure to download your own personal copy of the Language Online 21 Proofreading Tips and be sure to use them. At the very least, some should bring a smile to your face.

Click on the cover to get your tips copy: